Friday Flip-Offs 8/13: Pull up your pants!

12 Aug

 How has your week been? This is the last weekend of freedom before I have to start studying and buying books.

Summer, why can’t you be longer? Now, I have to put classes on my list on everything else I have to juggle in my daily life.

Wish me luck as I write research papers, study, and buy boring books that induce sleep. 🙂

Guys who wear their pants too low- Flip Off! If I can read the writing on your boxers, your pants are way too low. I don’t see what’s so attractive about having your pants hanging half way down your ass anyways.

And if you do wear your pants that way, wear underwear because I don’t want this to happen to me.

Guys who wear their pants too low AND ride a bike- Flip Off! How do you pedal with your pants around your knees? Flip Off! I said that I loved you in my last post but now you crushed my dreams and I’m questioning my love for you. I dream about and I want to take this relationship to the next level but you’re making it too difficult for me. I love you but I want more from this girl/website relationship! Why can’t you make it easier for me? WHY?

Next time on As the Mouse Clicks… 

The shoes- Flip Off! I found the perfect shoes. With the shoebox in hand, I jumped up and down excitedly like I had just won the Price is Right showcase. Then, I looked at the price tag. 

I hyperventilated, fainted, and became so out of it that I thought I was Joan Rivers.

Always check the price tag first.

(Random Story: I was in the doctor office to get some tests done and I actually did have a panic attack that resulted in me fainting. When I woke up, I tried to apologize to the doctor for “sleeping” and “running down the hallway before the cops got me”. )  

My friends- Flip Off! You have no right to judge me. I know I don’t like soap operas and I don’t speak Spanish fluently but I love Spanish soap operas. With my limited Spanish, I know that this lady got into car accident (accidente automovilistico) and has to work (tiene que trabajar) to pay off her large amount of debt (la deuda enorme). I know you’re all jealous because you can’t swear in Spanish as well as I can.

Dog- Flip Off! You walked over my foot and scratched it with your dirty little feet. I now have a scab on top on my foot that hurts whenever I touch it. Don’t worry, I’ll still take you to the park so you can pee and roll in rabbit feces.


Mutt- Growl! Bark Walk Woof Woof Grrr Bark Bark Growl Meat. Bark Grrr Woof Bark Bark Grrr Bark Whine Whine Whine Whine. Wanna go bye-bye? Wanna go bye-bye? doesn’t support the <script> tag so you have to click here to visit Kludgymom (who is also the mom of Friday Flip-Offs) to see the other bloggers that are flipping off today.


27 Responses to “Friday Flip-Offs 8/13: Pull up your pants!”

  1. gigi August 12, 2010 at 9:52 pm #

    a. your dog is SUPERcute. SUPER.

    b. Go to the dark side of It’s totally worth it.

    c. I have heard that Spanish soap operas are THE BEST way to learn the Spanish language. So I consider it highly educational.

    hope you got some great traffic from your post over at LBS!

    • Sara @ Tedious Life August 12, 2010 at 9:56 pm #

      My dog is cute but he is a ungrateful, moody mutt.

      I LOVE the ‘dark side’ Star Wars reference. I try to keep the geeky me away from my blog but I love Star Wars. I am highly considering just because of that reference.

      I got a few more comments from my LBS guest post but I’ve gotten more readers and traffic from Friday Flip-Offs. Thank you!

    • Classic NYer August 14, 2010 at 7:22 am #

      b. Go to the dark side of It’s totally worth it.

      Yes! Amen!
      Stopping by from LBS.

  2. Danielle August 12, 2010 at 10:07 pm #

    love how you flipped off your dog in doggy language!! Too Funny! Hope he understood. Now I need to do that for my cat!

  3. Alexandria August 12, 2010 at 10:50 pm #

    Ugh! Low pants bicyclers! Gross.

    And I’m with ya on WordPress. I’m WP org. But it’s soooo hard. Really missing Blogger 😦

  4. alicia August 13, 2010 at 12:25 am #

    I just recently had to walk behind a guy in Seattle while trying to get to my car who could barely walk because his pants were so low. Seriously? EEWWWW. Nasty. In the worst way. NO one wants to see your undies. And you are gross. I second that.

  5. Maureen August 13, 2010 at 1:08 am #

    Awesome flips! Your shoes flips really really crack me up hahahaha and that dog is too cute and love how you can flip him in doggy language! 😀

  6. Pumpkin and Piglet August 13, 2010 at 1:54 am #

    Completely agree about the guys who wear their pants too low, there’s a point where I just fear for them! Your dog is a cutie and I’m sure he’ll pay attention to your flip 😉

  7. Greta August 13, 2010 at 8:32 am #

    Your dog is adorable 🙂 Even if he scratched you, how can you stay mad at that cute face?
    I have been a long hater of people who droop their pants. It’s the ugliest fashion statement I have had to witness in my time on earth. It became popular in my high school days, and many a fellow student was de-pants for walking in front of me looking as such. My brother constantly pulled down saggy pants. He hated it too. Wear a belt. Or a potato sack. I don’t care. I really don’t give a rip what brand undies you are wearing. Yuk.
    I laughed at your spanish soap opera flip. I love to learn Spanish. Mine is also very limited. I give you props for broadening your vocabulary!

    • Sara @ Tedious Life August 13, 2010 at 9:09 am #

      He looks cute but he’s a mean attention whore. Just few minutes ago, he crapped right in front of me while we were trying to put a tent up. Stupid dog.

      Pulling down the saggy pants is the right way to go. 🙂

  8. Christina August 13, 2010 at 9:06 am #

    I thought Blogger was bad! Now I know moving to is the right way to go. Thanks for that push 🙂
    PULL UP YOUR PANTS! Is it just a generation thing or what? How are they attracting the ladies? Seriously? Buy a belt for crying out loud!
    Glad you are participating in the Flips!

  9. kendra August 13, 2010 at 12:17 pm #

    Oh my gosh… hilarious! Love the doggy speak… bark bark grrrrrowl!

  10. Susan G August 14, 2010 at 6:24 am #

    I love your blog, and especially enjoy the Friday Flip Offs. Can I throw out a FLIP OFF to my friends who want me to go to every chick flick that comes out? Not that I don’t enjoy a chick flick now and then, but seriously…I shouldn’t HAVE to explain why Eat-Pray-Love holds no appeal for me! It should be enough that I just tell you I can’t make it.

    • Sara @ Tedious Life August 14, 2010 at 6:55 am #

      I have those kinds of friends too. I need to make more guy friends so I can watch REAL comedies and action films, not crappy romantic comedies with Julia Roberts.

  11. Grace August 14, 2010 at 7:13 am #

    I almost passed out at the doctor’s yesterday. And how can they ask me to pee in a cup when I hadn’t had anything to eat or drink (their instructions) for 11 hours? I hope you don’t mind, but I’m using your comment section for my Friday Flip-Off

  12. Joey @ Big Teeth & Clouds August 14, 2010 at 7:15 am #

    Happy LBS Tea Party Day! I agree completely about the low pants. Does anyone find that attractive? Especially the ones that are even below the butt. That doesn’t even make sense.

  13. Miel Abeille August 14, 2010 at 7:38 am #

    I’m a LBS Tea Party visitor! Love your FFO’s! And I second Gigi & all — is so, so worth it. I was more hesitant than anyone, and now I’m in love!

  14. Kathy August 14, 2010 at 8:51 am #

    Thank you for living the same tedium that I experience!!!!!! I have ranted and raved about guys and their stupid low-hanging pants (that do not, in any way, indicate that anything “else” hangs low) and I think if some of them knew they were advertising themselves to be somebody’s girlfriend in prison, they might hitch them up – as so many men openly profess to be homophobes.

    Absolutely enjoy your Spanish soaps! that channel sure is a lot . . . uh. . . steamier! Better looking guys, too ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Visiting you from the LBS Tea Party – nice to meet you!

  15. tracy August 14, 2010 at 9:06 am #

    Happy LBS tea party. WordPress pisses me off. I switched a few months ago and have no idea what I am doing.
    Have a great weekend!

  16. Dalia August 14, 2010 at 9:12 am #

    SOOO right with you on those pants! I just do not get it. Do they seriously think they look attractive? Recently I saw this guy mowing the lawn with basically his entire boxers showing. Seriously!!! How do they actually stay up? Do they have suspenders under their shirts????

    • Sara @ Tedious Life August 14, 2010 at 9:42 am #

      No suspenders, they have to pull up their baggy pants every 2 seconds.

  17. Adrienne August 14, 2010 at 9:37 am #

    Girl I love this blog! I will be stopping by from now on! Visiting from the LBS!

  18. Mrs. Smith August 14, 2010 at 9:17 pm #

    I agree…what is up with the pants. Why do we need to see your underwear label and your pubic bone? I understand, you’re skinny, good for you, but, ew, pull up your damn pants or shop in the Junior Dept, and be done with it.

  19. Stef August 15, 2010 at 3:43 pm #

    I found you from the Lady Bloggers Society Tea Party. 😀

    I love “Guys who wear their pants too low”!!! I’m so sick of seeing guys with pants down to their butt-cracks!

    I use a self-hosted WordPress site. I like the freedom and flexiblity.

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